Sunday, February 26, 2006


"We shall not cease from exploration..."
I love that poem.
I am looking at the sole art mural that graces my apartment, this chilly February day, and marvelling at how time changes all things.
The mural is a view of a bright blue sea, through sheer white curtains being gently caressed by the breeze wafting through a very large window.
I bought that mural a little over a year ago, when I'd been back in Canada just over a year, could least afford it, and was pining for the familiar calm of a drive along Nassau's western seaside.
I'd been unemployed seven and a half months - first time since I started working at 16. I had made few friends, and had slim prospect of re-integrating into my small home town after almost three decades abroad.
Fast forward to this past week.
I took an afternoon off, mid-week to see a movie, sampled my first Pakastani restaurant buffet with two great dinner companions, and plan to go to an art gallery this afternoon.
It's very still outside, with frigid temperatures on this Sunday morning. The bright sun outside my bay window seems oblivious to the chill factor.
New discoveries all around.
What a lovely day for new beginnings..!

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