Sunday, November 02, 2008

Standing on the Shoulders of Dorrit Nash

I thought the highlight of October was going to a Zoomer presentation by founder Moses Znaimer. I've joined the national organisation and am slowly working towards starting up a Fredericton chapter. All good stuff.

I was wrong.

This week began the two-week book launch tour of Melynda Jarratt's non-fiction book: "Captured Hearts".

The day of her Fredericton book signing , October 30th, would have been the 85th birthday of one of her subjects: my mother, Dorrit.

Melynda is an international expert on Canadian war brides. She profiles over 60 war brides in her book. What joy and pride I felt, at her reading, to hear Mum singled out.

More than a few people came up to me at the reception following -journalists, historians, and just regular folk, to tell me they had read Melynda's book, and that my mother's story is stunning, in many respects.

Mum's war bride experience gets introduced on page 94: "One of the most extraordinary stories to come out of the European continent involves a young Jewish woman from Vienna.". Little snapshots of her life follow, until the last paragraph: "In life, Dorrit's country and family had been taken from her. It would not be so in death."

How true are those words, these days.

The toll since Mum's death in September of last year has been emotional, profound, and of late, more cathartic than I could ever have imagined.

The film documentary about Mum- being researched as we speak - will continue to share her remarkable journey. Researchers and historians are retracing her steps, and updating me along the way. It looks like I will "cross the pond", as they say, to see where she met my Dad in London. There will be a visit to Vienna, her birthplace, too. So many adventures ahead..!

My friendships are deepening. I work at it. It is a gift, just like my mother,that I do not take for granted.
My teaching job is fulfilling and dynamic. My health is great. And my circles are expanding.
What a year...!

P.S. This is the actual "Captured Hearts" book launch:

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