Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Good Fit

Out with the old, in with the new.
Bought a new pair of jeans yesterday. They are the same size as my old pair, but I the new just fit better. Thank you, gym (see previous blog entry).
So the old faithfuls are in the trash. Time for spring and new beginnings.
Last Sunday at this time, I spent the day reconnecting with a pal I haven't seen in over 20 years. After all this time, with her in Toronto, and me a continent away, both of us have evolved into technical writers. Amazing coincidence. We partied Friday at a St. Paddy's bash at an Irish pub, enjoying the jigs and the live band. Our get-togethers proved our "stalled" conversations have just picked up where we left off. Like well-worn shoes or an old pair of jeans. My pal from the O'Leary clan is a keeper.
So I am glad I spent this day at home, clearing away old magazines and clothes and such. It's been an eventful week.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Gym:Good Scales:BAD

Went for a routine blood test this morning and was happy to learn my blood pressure - normal to start - is now excellent.
I am sure it is because of my thrice-weekly gym visits...happy new year!
The scales do not appreciate that my fat has turned to muscle. Screw em. My clothes fit better and I love the stamina I've gained.
Helps also with the desk job. As in, keeps me from falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon. (Staring at a computer all day is not really lively stuff.)
Wore my shoes instead of winter boots today. Soon I will start walking through the woods beside my apartment building.
It's nice sometimes to just be reminded life is what you make it.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Diary of a Mad Woman

Don't mess with my money.
Today I got home from a challenging day of work, to find a bill double its usual size in my mail box. I shifted from tired to flat out mad in no time flat.
Bank error. Again.
Back to the car I went, in the pouring rain, to get to the bank before 5. It's the third bill in just over a month that they screwed up, even though at each prompt bill payment, they deducted money from my account and gave me a receipt for the payment. Grrrrrr.
I spoke directly to the manager and mused out loud about all the senior citizens or those visually or otherwise handicapped persons who might not have picked up on what I have, much less have followed through. Not inspiring.
That bank has now had the gauntlet thrown down. People get away with as much as you let them. So the tellers - who all know me by name, I might add - will be spanked and possibly made to sit in on some retraining. If this bank wasn't so close to my apartment, with its convenient ATM...They have one more chance...
And I say again...grrrr...!